Fixing Fashion: The New Platform That Can Teach Anyone To Repair And Care

May 11, 2021
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May 11, 2021

As much as sustainable methods of production, buying local, and recycling clothes are a step in the right direction for sustainable fashion, the ultimate solution and the kindest thing for our planet, is to reduce our waste from clothes completely.

Waste from producing clothes, and wearing pieces for a limited number of times is skyrocketing. In the Uk alone, over 300,000 tonnes were thrown away.

This ugly truth is something that bigger brands love to conveniently gloss over. While many high fashion brands want to promote a “repair-style aesthetic” they don’t apply the “core concepts” of up-cycling. Of Fixing Fashion.

“I think it’s insane,” says Fixing Fashion co-founder Alicia Minnaard, ”it’s already done in high end fashion, but they do it with new clothes.” Having previously worked with recycled materials in her collections, the designer turned her attention to what’s really missing in fashion. “Actually caring for clothing.”

Fixing Fashion helps to solve the issue, not by implicating people as part of the problem, but by showing them the solutions. Solutions that can work for everyone.

Source: Fixing Fashion

Their online academy is full of video tutorials, care tips, and technical instructions. Think school but without the exams, and instead of homework, you end up with a new piece of clothing. Sustainable techniques and ‘upgrading’ methods range from natural dying and Japanese embroidery to a complete re-imagination of an old piece.

The collection of upgraded pieces put together by Dutch designer Dave Hakkens comes together like a mismatched series of jigsaw puzzles. Two shirts are sewn together to form an evening dress, and two different toned trouser legs make for an innovative pair of pants.

But nothing on the site is for sale.

Their brand design and website layout take inspiration from high fashion brands, but they have not yet commodified their services in any way. The project is primarily funded through Patreon and, while they do have a logo, it’s up to the repairer to sew it onto their own clothes.

Source: Fixing Fashion

“We don’t produce or sell any clothes,” the website explains, “but you can still be part of our movement.”

So join the movement! Check out all the techniques here on their website.

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