The Dematerialised & Tribute Brand’s NFT Collection: Phygital Fashion is Here to Change The Game

July 26, 2021
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July 26, 2021

TNC readers, what up?!

We have gathered here today for one reason, and one reason only, to look into the collaboration between Tribute Brand and THE DEMATERIALISED, their phygital collection named The Real Deal

Their what? Did they just spell Physical wrong?

No, we didn’t. So what is phygital? It’s a mesh of intertwined physical and digital experiences. So basically, just know that the digital clothes in their collection are accompanied by a real-life version for the buyer too.

The collaboration includes six NFTs, which originate from two garments that shapeshift into three metaphysical versions. The first one, or first fase as they call it, is the ”past”. This is where the NFT is sold as a one-to-one physical garment. The garment’s online version is only available as an audio file at first but is later revealed in its visual form once physically delivered to the owner.

From this point we transition in to the second fase, the ”present”, materialised in a digital form. Here, the physical garment can be viewed digitally but the shapes and textures are amplified, which enhance the visual experience, as you can see below.

Source: Scandinavian Mind

Source: Scandinavian Mind

And for the last stage or fase, the ”future” state, here you can wear them on your body thanks to AR. The real-time AR skin which can be found in Tribute Brand’s YCY smartphone app.

Source: Scandinavian Mind

The functional aspect of fashion as we’ve always known it might seem to be slowly fading amidst digital fashion. However, in our work, what used to be defined by standard function has in fact been constructed by a blend of function and aesthetics. We enter a new version of the future, one where representation precedes and conditions the real. In digital fashion, the domain of the real connects to the represented images, and a future of simulacra remains. – Filip Vajda and Gala Marija Vrbanic, founders of Tribute Brand, for Scandinavian Mind

This is an interesting take on NFT’s as it really shows the current state we’re living in, the phygital world. A world where the two, digital and physical are combined, as some people love the digital, and others more the physical aspects.

You can check out the drop here, but it is on demand! So you must first get an access in order to purchase it.

What do you think about this? Would you rather have solely a digital or physical piece? Or do you mess with the combination of both? Here at TNC we do love a good old physical garment, but we have to admit, that the future sure seems to be looking increasingly digital day after day.

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