Aspire To Inspire With Mason Garments’ FW21: Layers of Evolution

October 27, 2021
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October 27, 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nowadays, the Fashion industry is saturated with brands trying to make it, trying to convince audiences that their product is that thing that will most certainly make their lives better once they hold it in their arms. There’s no doubt that many of these brands actually have fantastic products which are the very embodiment of quality, innovation, and forward-thinking design. Still, oftentimes that does not suffice when it comes to winning over the hearts, souls, and wallets of customers.

So what is it that sets a brand apart nowadays? How can anyone stand out? Well, for us it boils down to one thing: Character.

For us, the key element to a truly, plainly and simply, good brand in the industry, isn’t just what they make, rather, it’s about what they are made of. And in the fair amount of time that we’ve spent navigating the ins and outs and ins again of this industry, there are few brands whose character lives up to that of Mason Garments.

Photos courtesy of Mason Garments

The luxury footwear brand is designer Rendi Aditia’s baby, and everyone that’s a part of the Mason Garment’s family plays a role in ensuring the brand’s success. It is one of the many reason’s why the company works so well. Anyone who joins the project soon develops a familial bond with all involved, and empathy reigns supreme in all internal operations. The feeling of unity, inclusion, and togetherness elevates the synergy in each department, and this commitment and utmost care is reflected in its products.

Rendi was introduced to the world of luxury as a young boy, when his mother would show and explain to him the empowerment of luxury and expressing oneself via fashion. Not being able to front the cost of that empowerment at the time, Rendi decided that he would create a space where the empowerment of luxury could be available to more.

Now a decade into its existence, Mason Garments creates luxury footwear at a price point that is much more affordable than the luxury giants, while offering the highest quality both design, and production-wise.

For Rendi, Mason Garments is an opportunity to motivate people to chase their dreams and achieve their goals. The luxury footwear brand is more than just a brand, and what they sell is more than just shoes. United under the mantra “aspire to inspire”, the team’s mission isn’t just to design and create a superlative product, but rather, to connect with their audience and fan the flames of inspiration.

Their latest collection is the culmination of 10 years of hard work. The ups and downs of their journey, the mistakes and the lessons learned, ultimately, their growth and adaptation process. As such, it couldn’t be titled anything else other than ‘Layers of Evolution’.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_video link=””][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Being able to evolve means being able to reach the highest form of self-actualisation one can achieve. The formula of life gets solved by adapting to change whilst living up to one’s full potential. With Layers of Evolution, Mason Garments aspires to inspire all generations to stand firm during life’s changes and encourages all individuals to appreciate the true wonders of life in motion.

The aptly titled Fall/Winter 2021 release, is an ode to the sole constant we have in our lives: change. ‘Layers of Evolution’ collection brings this concept of evolution into the physical realm and infuses it into the pieces of the collection. Designed in Amsterdam and handcrafted in the best factories of Italy, the pieces are made up of six high-quality material layers, conveying the idea of progress.

You can get your hands on one of the iconic ‘Layers of Evolution’ pieces here. What are you waiting for? Good decisions like this don’t need to be thought about twice![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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